Saturday, January 24, 2009

Under the Cherry Moon...

Loverly little hemp hoodie top with flower appliques in pretty spring girlie colors!! I am finishing up the final touches today!!
Hemp Jersey Sweetness!! New Tiered Day Dress in blues...with clam shell buttons and mother of pearl nugget! Look for it on ebay later today!!

My love of these Indonesian Rayon Batiks is moving right into the weird zone! This little lovely is available now on ebay...user id coffeejill (of course!) The skirt features amazing Bamboo Twill hand dyed by the lovely Marlena of out her work! It rocks!

More Rayon Batiks coming...They flow so sweetly...hang and drape so nicely! They are very expensive, but my favorite quilt shop here in town it consolidating and have them discounted...I am buying up as much as I can afford!

Little shout out to Justine of

1 comment:

Justine said...

The hemp hoodie looks awesome! And I love that rayon batik dress!!!