Saturday, January 24, 2009

Under the Cherry Moon...

Loverly little hemp hoodie top with flower appliques in pretty spring girlie colors!! I am finishing up the final touches today!!
Hemp Jersey Sweetness!! New Tiered Day Dress in blues...with clam shell buttons and mother of pearl nugget! Look for it on ebay later today!!

My love of these Indonesian Rayon Batiks is moving right into the weird zone! This little lovely is available now on ebay...user id coffeejill (of course!) The skirt features amazing Bamboo Twill hand dyed by the lovely Marlena of out her work! It rocks!

More Rayon Batiks coming...They flow so sweetly...hang and drape so nicely! They are very expensive, but my favorite quilt shop here in town it consolidating and have them discounted...I am buying up as much as I can afford!

Little shout out to Justine of

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Under the Table and Dreaming...

Well, I am F I N A L L Y back to stitching up some lovelies! For anyone just now stumbling upon my little cyber-ramblings...welcome to the party!

2009...a new year, and hopefully a new chapter in my little Bean Queen Rags! I plan to use this blog to show works in progress and maybe map the creative arc of my work...and share inspiration, perspiration, and occasionally frustration! (all the -ations present and accounted for!)

The little lovely to your left is part of a new wrap dress, now available at featuring amazing hand dyed hemp muslin, Indonesian rayon batiks, and the aum applique cut from bamboo twill. Sweet as peaches...comfy and versatile!

More Indonesian batiks...these gorgeous blues and greens featuring a subtley "hidden" fertility goddess...Clam shell buttons...swishy and sweet...pretty enough for work or play!

Check back soon...more coming as fast as I can stitch 'em up!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

What a long strange trip it's been...

Hasta la vista 2008! See ya, wouldn't wanta be ya... ew what a gross year it was!

Now on to 2009...I have never liked the "resolution"thing, but I am a great goal setter. So, here are my goals for 2009:

1. Learn to make cheese--fresh mozzarella!
2. Keep this blog updated...with bold and brash musings about my current creative ventures!
3. New floors in my dining room and kitchen...with new cupboards!
4. Grow my little businesses by 25%
5. Bake more bread!
6. Get Tyler into that amazing program REACH at the U of I.
7. Take the advice of the amazing Katherine Hepburn...Never complain, and never explain. (toughie!!)
8. Use up all of my hemp fabric stash with wonderful creations!!
9. Make MYSELF a new hemp outfit!
10. Learn to use my knitting machine!!
11. Learn to play "Junk" by Paul McCartney, and "Morning has Broken" by Cat Stevens on the guitar.

That's a good list for starters!! Happy New Year to any one stumbling across my little blogdom.

Cheers!! Here's to good coffee, good friends, and no jams in your stitchin' machine!